December 2nd, 2021
Six Christmas real estate marketing ideas for 2021
Property Management
Property Management
It’s no secret that the holiday season is a joyous time for many, with friends wanting to catch up and even strangers being kinder in the grocery store. While we’re all feeling merry and bright, it’s the perfect time to extend this kindness to your team — taking the time to commend them for their work over the past year.
The ‘Great Resignation’ is in full force as an effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, seeing millions of people quit their jobs in search of greener pastures. 25% of Australians who are on the job hunt stated that remuneration and reward were the driving forces for change. So it’s evident that there’s no time like the present to go the extra mile and reward your co-workers for all of the times they went above and beyond in 2021.
However, you may be left with the question, how do I navigate the world of Christmas parties and bonuses? Keep on reading to find out.
1. Host a team building Christmas party
Whilst this first tip can seem rather obvious, it’s here to illustrate the vast difference a small amount of planning can do to improve employee morale amongst your team. Work Christmas parties can either be a joyous occasion or a point of contention for many, depending on the workplace and more importantly, the activity.
Mundane end-of-year drinks in the office can breed a negative work culture, as co-workers are not detached from their place of work. Nobody wants to play where they work. Instead, planning a fun team building activity away from the office can improve relationships and allow new team members to feel included. Examples of this could be, an escape room, karaoke or attending a trivia night.
2. Provide personalised Christmas cards
Christmas cards are the perfect way to spread the holiday cheer, being foolproof and inexpensive to produce. While there’s no denying that Christmas cards are always a nice addition to the workplace, they can also be seen as impersonal if every employee is greeted with the same message.
So take the extra time to plan out a thoughtful and personalised message for each of your team members. We have even provided an easy template to follow when planning out your Christmas cards, guaranteed to make any employee feel good.
Greeting + holiday message + personalised positive feedback on the team member’s performance + closing statement
3. Run a goal setting session
It’s imperative to have goals and purpose in order to live a fulfilling life. This also rings true for your work life. With offices closing over the holidays, or team members taking annual leave, it can leave many feeling uninformed and uninspired for the new year. Therefore, it’s important to have goal setting sessions with your team as a whole, as well as 1:1.
Goal setting allows your team to get excited for new projects in the new year, as well as allowing for open communication in regards to growth and new team roles within your company. Individual goal setting also benefits both you and your team members, as your team are left feeling inspired and organised for the new year, and you feel confident that you have opened the lines of communication in your workplace.
4. Hire a motivational speaker in your field
There’s no better way to get reinspired and energized for your job, than through listening to a motivational speaker in your field. The speaker will fill your team with inspiration and actionable advice on how to achieve their goals both in day-to-day life and in a career setting. Pair this with a goal setting session and you’ve got a full proof way to maximise excitement and clarity within your team during the holidays. You can easily find motivational speakers in your area through a quick online search.
5. Decorate the office and play music
The quality of your workspace directly defines the quality of your work. You’ve probably heard of the popularity of Spring cleaning, Feng Shui and discarding items that don’t ‘bring you joy’, however sprucing up the office doesn’t need to be so complicated.
Simply add a few indoor plants, change out the harsh office lighting for something more ambient and invest in a good quality scent diffuser. These few simple steps can drastically shake up your workspace and bring in a fresh attitude to the office. Don’t forget to add some tasteful Christmas decorations, and dial up the Christmas tunes as the holiday approaches, even the strictest Grinch’s will be sure to tap their toes to the sound of bells. If you wanted to go a step further, you could even buy some Christmas baked goods for the lunchroom, after all everyone loves a sweet treat or two.
So there you have it, our top five tips to boost employee morale and spread the Christmas cheer this holiday season.
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