March Product Update: Introducing email branding


March Product Update: Introducing email branding

Here at PropertyMe, we’ve had a busy start to the year with exciting new features and improvements to existing ones. Sit tight as Peter gives you the lowdown:

Introducing Email Branding

email brand

While PropertyMe already allows you to brand your owner portal, statements, receipts and work orders, you can never have enough branding right? Now you can brand your emails too!

In Settings, you’ll find a new Branding tab where you can use the Email Stationery Designer to edit your email header, footer and body. You can even change the font and background colour to match your branding.  

Additional Invoice Fee Types

Invoice fee 1140x849@2x

PropertyMe has lots of flexible, automated owner fee triggers so you are able to set up a Fee template up and the system does the rest for you. Now you can automatically charge owners a fee every time a tenant pays an invoice too.

Simplified Rent Adjustments 

rent adjust

User experience is always at the forefront of what we do so we’ve simplified rent adjustments. Rent adjustments are now available from the tenant folio; the options now popup over the folio and all adjustments are summarised in a new Rent Actions tab.

Date-based Disbursement Changes 


We received some great feedback about the way PropertyMe selects due owners in the disbursement menu when they’re on a date-based cycle and have made improvements accordingly.

The due column now shows which of the owners’ disbursement series is triggering them to be due and see if the trigger is a date but there are no funds to disburse, the owner will still show on the Due list. Once you disburse that owner with no funds, it’ll push their due date forward so they will be removed from your Due list. Note that if you disburse the same owner from their folio, it does not push their due date forward.

Even More Bank File Import Formats

Bank Import


Last month we added tenant direct debit and even more payment formats including ANZ FileActive, Westpac and Ezidebit to our long list of supported bank file import formats.

Want more? You can read the full release notes in the PropertyMe Knowledge Base. If you’re not a PropertyMe user yet, book a free demo today to discover how PropertyMe can simplify your workload!

We’re always working on new features and making PropertyMe better for you, so if you have any questions, suggestions or kind words, simply leave a comment below.