As we approach arguably the busiest time of year for Property Managers and agents, it’s imperative that we consciously make time for ourselves to prevent burnout. Simply put, burnout is the term used to describe feelings of energy depletion and reduced professional efficacy, resulting from chronic workplace stress. It’s something we’ve all felt at different stages of our careers, although it’s becoming more common. In a global study completed by Dr John Chan, it was found that burnout had increased by 5% since the beginning of 2021, with 34% of people surveyed experiencing the phenomenon. It was also found that the burden of workplace stress was felt most by women in middle management roles.
Now that we’ve covered what burnout is, it’s time to figure out how we can prevent it before it gets in the way of both our work and home lives. Before we do that, it’s crucial that we spot the signs of workplace stress, before it turns into burnout. Typical signs to look out for include increased physical exhaustion, lack of motivation and detachment from your work and colleagues. Workplace stress tends to escalate during particularly busy periods, such as the EOFY. Therefore, we’ve collated a list of the top five ways to make time for yourself and beat burnout.
1. Make sure you’re getting enough exercise
Whilst we all know that getting enough exercise increases energy, it’s often the first thing to go when we are tired or stressed. Did you know that 62% of adults who regularly exercise state that exercising as a stress management strategy is highly effective? The benefits of regular exercise speak for themselves, however, it’s essential to pick the correct form of working out for you and your lifestyle.
Running is a popular form of exercise for people in high stress jobs as the combination of physical exertion and measurable progress allow for an endorphin releasing experience. Although, for many people, a high intensity workout may create more physical stress on their bodies. Exercise such as yoga, pilates or a gentle stroll are also viable ways of getting your heart rate up, whilst providing an unwinding experience. Whatever form of movement you choose, it’s a good idea to aim for 30 mins a day!
2. Set clear work boundaries, and stick to them
Setting work boundaries can be uncomfortable at first, however, it’s essential to communicate our stressors to our team so that we can be supported. Oftentimes our colleagues aren’t even aware that we’re feeling overwhelmed. You can set boundaries in the workplace by scheduling a meeting with your superior, or holding a collaborative team session to discuss how to improve workplace culture.
Once you set boundaries, it’s important to stick to them. This can be the most difficult part, as it’s easy to slip back into old habits and patterns. Nevertheless, being committed to exercising your boundaries can have so many positive impacts on your workplace’s culture.

3. Seek connection with your colleagues
During the EOFY period, it’s easy for the days to become monotonous as one blur of busyness. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. By building connections with your colleagues it can inject fun and laughter into the day, which reduces stress levels workplace-wide. Building connections with your team can include taking the time to go to grab lunch or even implementing optional after work activities, such as group workouts.
4. Shift your mindset surrounding work
We all want to do the best we can at work, not just for ourselves but also our team. Sometimes this motivation and ambition can create stress and immense pressure. So take some time to step back from work and evaluate which areas of your job make you overwhelmed, and if you’re placing too much pressure on yourself. Once you have recognised this, you can take time to evaluate which areas of your job fill up your cup and how you can redirect your time and energy.

5. Have something to look forward to
Think about the last time you had a holiday booked, or a day designated all to yourself, and how you felt in the lead up. The excitement and anticipation you felt, that filled you with optimism and made you willing to push through the busier days at work. As therapist LeNaya Smith Crawford states, “anticipation implies a future reward, and rewards are powerful motivators.”
So book yourself a winter getaway or fun event for when the busy period is over, to congratulate yourself for the amazing work you’ve done over the past financial year. If you’re feeling inspired, take a look at our blog, 5 best towns to nab a holiday rental in, to begin planning your next getaway.
Being a Property Manager is a challenging yet rewarding job, and we are so inspired by the work that our community continues to do. We cannot wait to continue working hard and achieving our goals together over the next financial year. Thank you for all of the work that you do!
So there you have it, our top five ways to make time for yourself this EOFY. Let us know your thoughts by emailing [email protected].