Now that autumn is upon us, the leaves are changing colours and new features are in the air. This month we’re excited to introduce the Change of Owner Workflow, Reminders, Team Management and more. Here’s Peter with the lowdown:
Change of Owner Workflow
At PropertyMe, we’re always looking for ways to simplify your workload. We know that whenever a property you’re managing changes hands, you have to manually change the owner, calculate the rent due and process the rent and management fee adjustments.
That’s why we’ve created the Change of Owner Workflow to make this process quick and efficient. When you update the owner on a property, PropertyMe now helps you calculate the rent due to the old and new owners and automatically processes the rent and fee adjustments for you.

Simply enter the settlement date, review the rent adjustments, check any pending bills or invoices and review and confirm changes.
If you’re a PropertyMe customer, read more about the Change of Owner Workflow.
We’re excited to announce that we’ve delivered on yet another highly requested feature…Reminders!
Reminders allows you to easily keep track of smoke alarm and pool compliance as well as more general tasks like knowing when your owner’s landlord insurance policy is expiring.

With Reminders, you can:
- Add new reminder templates in Settings with optional defaults for contact and frequency
- Apply a reminder to multiple properties at once from the Property screen
- View reminders assigned to a property via the new Reminders link
- Quickly access Reminders from the new Dashboard widget
- Easily add or close one or multiple reminders at a time
- Generate a single report of all reminders for one supplier and link the related bills and certificates directly to Reminders
- View reports of reminders by status and by property, plus exception reports showing you any properties that don’t have a specific reminder assigned
- Create individual or bulk Jobs directly from Reminders and attach bills and documents

If you’re a PropertyMe customer, read more about Reminders & Compliance.
Team Management

Setting up small teams or pods to manage properties has become an increasingly common way to structure a property management department. To help you out, we’ve added the ability to group your portfolio users into teams.
You can allocate your portfolio team members to one or more teams and members within a team can view all the properties and activities managed by anyone in their team, ensuring everyone has access to the right information when they need it.
In case you missed it…
Here are some more feature updates from the past few months:
Jobs Report

With the new Jobs Report, you can see all your outstanding jobs by supplier, property or property manager, with the option to include completed jobs. Additionally, you can group jobs by status and see when jobs were created, due and closed.
Agency Revenue by Month Report

While the Portfolio Fees Monthly Projection Report shows you what you should be earning based on the fees set against your properties and owners, the new Agency Revenue by Month Report breaks down revenue that you’ve actually received by account code and month.
QR code reading for Bills

We’ve enhanced our barcode reading feature to include the ability to read QR (quick response) codes on bills. It works in the same way as the current barcode reader does, capturing the supplier, property, CRN and amount from the scanned bill.
You can read the full release notes in the PropertyMe Knowledge Base. If you’re not a PropertyMe user yet, book a free demo today to discover how PropertyMe can simplify your workload.
We’re always working on new features to make PropertyMe better for you, so if you have any suggestions, please leave a comment below or log a Feature Request.